Category: edci339-feedback

Response to Teya Wijayakoon’s EDCI 339 Post #3

Hi Teya! I read your third blog post and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your thoughts on this topic. I am glad to read that you have learned a lot about this topic and have clearly put some thought into it. I like how you included quotes directly from the readings, as they seem to have a different effect on how I read them and what they mean to me when they are on their own like that and not surrounded by a bunch of other text. I also really like what you say at the end of your blog post about how we need to find a way to transition our traditional brick and mortar environments onto a computer. I believe this is very important and is something that needs to be done in order for the students to succeed as much as possible. Overall, I really liked your blog post and I cannot wait to read about what you decide to elaborate on in your final project.

Response to Kayleigh Udy’s EDCI 339 Post #3

Hi Kayleigh! I read your third blog post and have a few comments that I would like to make. First, your post showed your very strong passion for equity both inside and outside of the classroom. I believe that this is a very important topic to be covered and I love that you have taken the time to talk about what you already knew and what you have learned and how they connect to each other. I agree with you when you talk about how the design principles can be used not only in indigenous groups but with everybody and how they have a large positive impact on anybody who gets to experience them being put into practice. I believe that this would be a great blog post for you to look further into and revise for your final assignment, and I am looking forward to reading about what you learn.

Response to Hailey Steele’s EDCI 339 Post #3

Hi Hailey! I read your third blog post and found what you said quite interesting. I liked how you made the connection between how COVID-19 has effected teachers and their students. I can relate to you when you talk about watching your sister struggle with online learning, as my brother (age 16) has been struggling as well and is not able to do as many tasks through online learning, as he would if he was at school. Another thing that you mentioned in your post that I liked was how important it is for teachers to have an idea of the various aspects of child psychology. In my first year, I took a psychology class and in other classes that I have taken in the past two years quite a few of the names and theories mentioned in that one course have overlapped with my other courses and have given me a greater understanding and drive to learn more about child psychology. Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog post and would love to read more of what you learn about this topic if you choose to use it as your revised blog in the final assignment.

Response to Teya Wijayakoon’s EDCI 339 Post #2

Hi Teya! I read your second blog post and I have a few comments for you. I like how you talk about adapting valuable theories to fit with online learning. This is something very important, as when these theories were first created the philosophers could not even imagine that we would be where we are today. We both referred back to a new schooling system (PSII and NIDES) that enables students to explore topics that interest them using technology, while still completing the BC curriculum. I agree with you that where we currently are with open and distributed learning is scary and new territory, which is why I believe courses similar to this one are very important that we take so we know how to use technology safely and effectively both within our classroom and for distance learning.

Response to Kayleigh Udy’s EDCI 339 Post #2

Hi Kayleigh! I read your second blog post and have a few comments for you. First off I would like to say how amazed I am at all of the connections you have made. I would never have made some of these connections if I had not read your blog post. One connection that I especially liked was the one where you talk about exploratory and presentational talk with technology. I remember talking about how important exploratory and presentational talk are, but I never thought about how that would work in an online classroom. I agree with you that having these online discussion forums are important and allow for students to explore their ideas further before making a “good copy”. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog post and am looking forward to learning more from your next one.

Response to Hailey Steele’s EDCI 339 Post #2

Hi Hailey! I read your second blog post on the history and context of distributed and open learning and it appears as though we both talked about connectivism. I am also interested in doing more research on the topic and if you ever make a post about it please let me know. I like how you talk about going back to the roots of education as opposed to just growing from where we are, as sometimes where we are is not as good as where we started and there are things that we can learn from the beginning. Some things to possibly look into are the types of edtech tools and strategies that have been used in the past and how you can use them in your future classroom, as you mentioned. I think this would be a great topic to look into for your final portfolio.

Response to Hailey Steele’s EDCI 339 Post #1

Hi Hailey! I read your first blog post for EDCI 339 and it looks like we have both took an interest in Regan and Jesse’s article. I really like your connection between online discrimination and the Black Lives Matter movements that is currently going on. Are there any examples that you can think of that you may use to help educate children on this topic in the classroom? I also like your connection between the classes we took this year that had inquiry and technology. By allowing students to use technology for their inquiry projects they are able to research a variety of topics at their own pace, as well as create an artifact of their learning through various programs. When we are teaching students about using a new program or perhaps they are showing us a new program, it could also be an idea to go through any privacy or safety concerns with them so that they have the ability to do this at home as well.


Response to Teya Wijayakoon’s EDCI 339 Post #1

Hi Teya! I read your first blog post for EDCI 339 and I believe that you made some very good points. First, I really liked your point about how our easy access to technology can be both good and bad. By using technology we have the ability to communicate and learn without needing to directly be with others, but when students have no way to engage with the course material and talk to others then it makes it very difficult to fully retain the information. As future elementary school teachers we have both worked with children and seen the many different ways that they all learn, but I am sure we can both agree that most students learn best when they are given the opportunity to not only interact with the material but to also interact with each other. A suggestion I might have for your future blog posts would be to possibly include a time where you have had an experience that connects to the readings or online learning spaces in general.

Response to Kayleigh Udy’s EDCI 339 Post #1

Hi Kayleigh! I read your first blog post for EDCI 339 and I really like the points and connections you made. As someone who is often shy to speak in class in front of my peers I can relate to feeling like “just another face on the screen” as if I am part of a big lecture online I will often never say anything and just be listening. I liked your point about making sure that students have both teacher-student and student-student interactions when using online learning spaces to help students not feel as though they are just a face on the screen and actively part of the conversation. I really liked your connection between the five aspects of the social presence model and the circle of courage. I did not even think of this connection and I am glad you pointed it out, as it is definitely relevant to the course material. In terms of your “scattered nature” of the blog post, I like how you have worded everything as it shows your thought process as you wrote out the post, but if you perhaps feel as though it is too scattered you could always add headings to clean it up.