Optional Activities Summary and Connection to Course Learning Outcomes

  1.  Webinar (Dr. Brown): Overall, what I learned from this webinar is that teachers need to make sure that they have a meaningful relationship with their students through both online learning and in-person. By having teachers invested in their students then the students are more likely to be engaged in the material and learn more. Learning Outcome: “Develop an awareness of the potential of human-centred learning in online and open learning contexts”.
  2.  Webinar (Dr. LaBonte & Dr. Barbour): Overall, what I learned from this webinar is that there are quite a few differences between open and online learning, but that they can be intertwined with each other quite well. The main difference that I noted is that online learning is reliable, expected, and everyone has similar experiences whereas open learning is spontaneous, innovative, and can be risky. Learning Outcomes: “Critically reflect on and articulate concepts around modality, pedagogy, and access, including distributed and open learning theory, online and open learning history, privacy laws, online learning communities, open research, and open data”,  “Examine and reflect upon the potential for equitable access for all learners in online and open learning contexts”, and “Conduct research into and critically reflect upon emerging and future educational technologies”.
  3. Shelley Moore: Before taking this course I did not know that these kinds of book clubs and online groups existed to learn and ask questions about the topics that she covers. I really like the platform that she has for the book clubs by utilizing an Instagram chat to connect with others. Learning Outcomes: “Explore and engage with current literature on the distributed and open education movement” and “Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning”.
  4. Building a PLN (Twitter): I have had a Twitter account for a long time (@kyliedscott), but I just recently started using it again for this course. I recreated my profile and followed new accounts. This process was very easy and I have already learned so much through following various teachers and school districts and cannot wait to learn more as I continue to use this platform. Learning outcome: “Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning”.