Welcome back! This week I will be taking a look at Spanish cuisine. Spanish cuisine is famous worldwide and I am going to take a deeper look into some of the dishes that help show why that is.

Lots of people worldwide have heard of paella, even if they have never tried it. The cooking utensil that this is cooked in is a large shallow pan. This pan is called a paella, which is where the dish got its name. Back when this dish originated, it was often cooked with water vole and snails. Now, the dish is often cooked with a mixture of seafood and rabbit. There is one part of the dish that is often seen as the best part. This part would be the rice on the edges of the pan that is often slightly burnt.

One ingredient in Spanish cuisine is called jamon iberico. This ingredient can also be used as a dish on its own. This ingredient is strictly cured meat. This ingredient comes in a variety of forms but one to note is jamon iberico de bellota. This form is made of specially raised pigs. These pigs are fed only acorns in the later stages of their life to give them a distinct nutty flavour. The hind legs of the pig are then salted and air-dried for at least 36 months before it will be served. One of the most important parts of this dish is the fat. The fat enhances the meats flavour and should always be savoured.

Another common ingredient in Spanish cuisine is chorizo. Chorizo is more commonly used in Spanish households than jamon iberico. This type of meat is commonly cooked in stews alongside meat, potatoes, and other vegetables. Chorizo adds a certain rich depth and smoky flavour to dishes. Chorizo can also be served in a drier version, that is often served alongside cured meats in a sandwich. As someone who used to work in a butcher shop/deli, I have tried chorizo. I believe it to be an amazing addition to any dish and even to just eat with something as simple as cheese and crackers.

Another classic dish in Spanish cuisine is croquetas. Croquetas are deep-fried, bread-crumbled balls. The croquetas are also stuffed with a mixture of a thick béchamel-like sauce and meat, as well as cheese or vegetables. A few traditional fillings often found in croquetas include jamon iberico, chicken, or oxtail meat. There are, however, vegetarian options as well. The vegetarian options include blue cheese, broccoli, or other fusion flavours.

Spanish cuisine is very reliant on having fresh ingredients and doing things in a homemade manner. A lot of ingredients can also be served on their own, but are often also served within a dish or as a side.

Thank you for reading my blog! Next week, I will be discussing Italian cuisine.

(Jamon Iberico)



“Jamon iberico” by Gerard Romans Camps under CC BY 2.0.

“Croquetas” by Jonathan Pincas under CC BY 2.0.



Photo by Daniel Prado on Unsplash