Hi Sullo, Junfeng, and Zhenyu! I am not much of an artist myself, so reading through your resource was very informative for me. I have decided to structure my feedback in a “two stars and a wish” format. This ensures that I do not overwhelm you with feedback, but also cover the main points of my thoughts and concerns as I read through.
My first star is the overall organization of this resource. I love how the resource is made into different parts. The topic is introduced in the “course overview” and “unit 1” sections. This allows the learners to understand what the resource is about and practice time before they start to create drawings. The “unit 2” section allows the learners to practice, apply, and reflect on their learning throughout the resource. I also appreciate that the activities put into each section relate to what has just been learned. If I were to give one suggestion for this star, it would just be to put the video that is in “additional resources” at the start as that is where it is stated that it would be in the overview.
My second star is the various types of assessment used. Learners are provided with multiple opportunities to showcase their learning. The short answer questions allow learners to explain what they know on the technical side of drawing. This challenges the knowledge of the learners and provides them with the opportunity to explain their new knowledge. In the reflection, the learners are given the opportunity to explain what they think are their strongest and weakest drawings, their approach to drawing, and what they have learned. It is important to challenge learners on why they answered a question a certain way, which was done in this section. If I were to give one suggestion for this star, it would be to be careful with the overall assessment of this resource and choose the wording carefully. For example, simply saying “good drawings” could be left up to interpretation. Try saying “a drawing that includes a clear attempt at ______”. This will allow learners to understand exactly what is expected for that drawing.
My one wish is more types of media built-in throughout the resource. Some learners may be very visual, so it could help to have a short video clip of an artist doing an activity or certain skill throughout. Another alternative would be to have links to artists who do a certain type of artwork or skill well that the learners could refer to if they needed inspiration or ideas. Another suggestion would be to have written instructions on how to do a certain skill. This may help some learners who do not know where to start or the process in which a certain type of artwork is often done. With this being said, one thing that I did like in terms of the media built-in was the inclusion of examples throughout the slideshow.
Overall, I enjoyed your resource and thought that it is great for learners who are looking to build on pre-existing skills or who want to learn more about the specific topics covered in your resource.