Hi Hailey! I read your third blog post and found what you said quite interesting. I liked how you made the connection between how COVID-19 has effected teachers and their students. I can relate to you when you talk about watching your sister struggle with online learning, as my brother (age 16) has been struggling as well and is not able to do as many tasks through online learning, as he would if he was at school. Another thing that you mentioned in your post that I liked was how important it is for teachers to have an idea of the various aspects of child psychology. In my first year, I took a psychology class and in other classes that I have taken in the past two years quite a few of the names and theories mentioned in that one course have overlapped with my other courses and have given me a greater understanding and drive to learn more about child psychology. Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog post and would love to read more of what you learn about this topic if you choose to use it as your revised blog in the final assignment.